Latest Hadoop Interview Questions-Part 1

Q1. What are the default configuration files that are used in Hadoop 
As of 0.20 release, Hadoop supported the following read-only default configurations
- src/core/core-default.xml
- src/hdfs/hdfs-default.xml
- src/mapred/mapred-default.xml

Q2. How will you make changes to the default configuration files 
Hadoop does not recommends changing the default configuration files, instead it recommends making all site specific changes in the following files
- conf/core-site.xml
- conf/hdfs-site.xml
- conf/mapred-site.xml

Unless explicitly turned off, Hadoop by default specifies two resources, loaded in-order from the classpath:
- core-default.xml : Read-only defaults for hadoop.
- core-site.xml: Site-specific configuration for a given hadoop installation.

Hence if same configuration is defined in file core-default.xml and src/core/core-default.xml then the values in file core-default.xml (same is true for other 2 file pairs) is used.

Q3. Consider case scenario where you have set property mapred.output.compress totrue to ensure that all output files are compressed for efficient space usage on the cluster.  If a cluster user does not want to compress data for a specific job then what will you recommend him to do ? 
Ask him to create his own configuration file and specify configuration mapred.output.compressto false and load this file as a resource in his job.

Q4. In the above case scenario, how can ensure that user cannot override the configuration mapred.output.compress to false in any of his jobs
This can be done by setting the property final to true in the core-site.xml file

Q5. What of the following is the only required variable that needs to be set in file conf/ for hadoop to work 


The only required variable to set is JAVA_HOME that needs to point to <java installation> directory

Q6. List all the daemons required to run the Hadoop cluster 
- NameNode
- SecondaryNameNode
- DataNode
- JobTracker
- TaskTracker

Q7. Whats the default port that jobtrackers listens to

Q8. Whats the default  port where the dfs namenode web ui will listen on

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Latest Hadoop Interview Questions-part 2

Q11. Give an example scenario where a cobiner can be used and where it cannot be used
There can be several examples following are the most common ones
- Scenario where you can use combiner
  Getting list of distinct words in a file

- Scenario where you cannot use a combiner
  Calculating mean of a list of numbers 

Q12. What is job tracker
Job Tracker is the service within Hadoop that runs Map Reduce jobs on the cluster

Q13. What are some typical functions of Job Tracker
The following are some typical tasks of Job Tracker
- Accepts jobs from clients
- It talks to the NameNode to determine the location of the data
- It locates TaskTracker nodes with available slots at or near the data
- It submits the work to the chosen Task Tracker nodes and monitors progress of each task by receiving heartbeat signals from Task tracker 

Q14. What is task tracker
Task Tracker is a node in the cluster that accepts tasks like Map, Reduce and Shuffle operations - from a JobTracker 

Q15. Whats the relationship between Jobs and Tasks in Hadoop
One job is broken down into one or many tasks in Hadoop. 

Q16. Suppose Hadoop spawned 100 tasks for a job and one of the task failed. What will hadoop do ?
It will restart the task again on some other task tracker and only if the task fails more than 4 (default setting and can be changed) times will it kill the job

Q17. Hadoop achieves parallelism by dividing the tasks across many nodes, it is possible for a few slow nodes to rate-limit the rest of the program and slow down the program. What mechanism Hadoop provides to combat this  
Speculative Execution 

Q18. How does speculative execution works in Hadoop  
Job tracker makes different task trackers process same input. When tasks complete, they announce this fact to the Job Tracker. Whichever copy of a task finishes first becomes the definitive copy. If other copies were executing speculatively, Hadoop tells the Task Trackers to abandon the tasks and discard their outputs. The Reducers then receive their inputs from whichever Mapper completed successfully, first. 

Q19. Using command line in Linux, how will you 
- see all jobs running in the hadoop cluster
- kill a job
- hadoop job -list
- hadoop job -kill jobid 

Q20. What is Hadoop Streaming  
Streaming is a generic API that allows programs written in virtually any language to be used as Hadoop Mapper and Reducer implementations 

Q21. What is the characteristic of streaming API that makes it flexible run map reduce jobs in languages like perl, ruby, awk etc.  
Hadoop Streaming allows to use arbitrary programs for the Mapper and Reducer phases of a Map Reduce job by having both Mappers and Reducers receive their input on stdin and emit output (key, value) pairs on stdout.

Latest Hadoop Interview Questions-part 3

Q22. Whats is Distributed Cache in Hadoop
Distributed Cache is a facility provided by the Map/Reduce framework to cache files (text, archives, jars and so on) needed by applications during execution of the job. The framework will copy the necessary files to the slave node before any tasks for the job are executed on that node.

Q23. What is the benifit of Distributed cache, why can we just have the file in HDFS and have the application read it  
This is because distributed cache is much faster. It copies the file to all trackers at the start of the job. Now if the task tracker runs 10 or 100 mappers or reducer, it will use the same copy of distributed cache. On the other hand, if you put code in file to read it from HDFS in the MR job then every mapper will try to access it from HDFS hence if a task tracker run 100 map jobs then it will try to read this file 100 times from HDFS. Also HDFS is not very efficient when used like this.

Q.24 What mechanism does Hadoop framework provides to synchronize changes made in Distribution Cache during runtime of the application  
This is a trick questions. There is no such mechanism. Distributed Cache by design is read only during the time of Job execution

Q25. Have you ever used Counters in Hadoop. Give us an example scenario
Anybody who claims to have worked on a Hadoop project is expected to use counters

Q26. Is it possible to provide multiple input to Hadoop? If yes then how can you give multiple directories as input to the Hadoop job  
Yes, The input format class provides methods to add multiple directories as input to a Hadoop job

Q27. Is it possible to have Hadoop job output in multiple directories. If yes then how  
Yes, by using Multiple Outputs class

Q28. What will a hadoop job do if you try to run it with an output directory that is already present? Will it
- overwrite it
- warn you and continue
- throw an exception and exit
The hadoop job will throw an exception and exit.

Q29. How can you set an arbitary number of mappers to be created for a job in Hadoop  
This is a trick question. You cannot set it

Q30. How can you set an arbitary number of reducers to be created for a job in Hadoop  
You can either do it progamatically by using method setNumReduceTasksin the JobConfclass or set it up as a configuration setting

Latest Hadoop Interview Questions-part 4

Q31. How will you write a custom partitioner for a Hadoop job  
To have hadoop use a custom partitioner you will have to do minimum the following three
- Create a new class that extends Partitioner class
- Override method getPartition
- In the wrapper that runs the Map Reducer, either
  - add the custom partitioner to the job programtically using method setPartitionerClass or
  - add the custom partitioner to the job as a config file (if your wrapper reads from config file or oozie)

Q32. How did you debug your Hadoop code  
There can be several ways of doing this but most common ways are
- By using counters
- The web interface provided by Hadoop framework

Q33. Did you ever built a production process in Hadoop ? If yes then what was the process when your hadoop job fails due to any reason
Its an open ended question but most candidates, if they have written a production job, should talk about some type of alert mechanisn like email is sent or there monitoring system sends an alert. Since Hadoop works on unstructured data, its very important to have a good alerting system for errors since unexpected data can very easily break the job.

Q34. Did you ever ran into a lop sided job that resulted in out of memory error, if yes then how did you handled it
This is an open ended question but a candidate who claims to be an intermediate developer and has worked on large data set (10-20GB min) should have run into this problem. There can be many ways to handle this problem but most common way is to alter your algorithm and break down the job into more map reduce phase or use a combiner if possible.